The Yoruba film industry has been struck by sorrow with the passing of renowned Nollywood filmmaker Shina Sanyaolu. An esteemed producer and director, Sanyaolu’s death was confirmed by Bolaji Amusan, president of the Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN), via Instagram on Wednesday. Amusan simply stated, “Sleep well, Uncle Shina Sanyaolu.”
Details surrounding the cause and exact date of Sanyaolu’s death remain unclear, but tributes have flooded in from industry peers. Veteran actor Jide Kosoko took to Instagram to celebrate Sanyaolu’s profound impact. Kosoko described him as more than a remarkable man, but a symbol of kindness and warmth.
He wrote: “Shina Sanyaolu was not just a remarkable figure; he was a beacon of kindness and warmth to all who had the privilege of knowing him. His love for the arts and unwavering support for our industry were unparalleled. Shina was always there for us, extending a helping hand and opening doors where there seemed to be none.
“For those of us who journeyed to the UK in the 80s, he made it feel like home. He welcomed us with open arms, provided us with shelter, and even took time off his busy schedule to show us around.
“Shina, your generosity knew no bounds, and your spirit touched countless lives. You were a rare gem. Though the world feels emptier without you, we take comfort in the enduring legacy you leave in the hearts you have touched.”
Doyin Amodu, president of TAMPAN UK, also expressed her condolences, stating: “Your love for the arts and unwavering support for the industry were unmatched. Good night, my brother and director. You will be deeply missed.”
Sanyaolu’s contributions to Nollywood include notable films such as ‘The Honourable’, ‘Two Wives’, and ‘Omo Olosan’.
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