By: Bayero Ade
In a heartbreaking incident, an early morning fire on Monday claimed the lives of the daughter and three grandchildren of Alhaji Muhammadu Bello Sifawa, the Secretary to the Sokoto State Government.
According to Politics Nigeria, the victims were the wife and children of Alhaji Muhammadu Yusuf Bello, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Development in Sokoto State. The fire, which occurred while the family was asleep, trapped the woman and her three children. Her husband managed to escape and survived the tragedy.
Efforts by the Sokoto State Fire Service to contain the inferno were unsuccessful in saving the victims. Investigations into the cause of the fire are ongoing.
The deceased will be buried today at the Sheikh Shehu Usmanu Danfodiyo Mosque in Sifawa in line with Islamic customs.
The tragic event has drawn widespread condolences from across the state. Among those who visited the grieving family in Sifawa were Deputy Governor Eng. Idris Mohammed Gobir, members of the State Executive Council, political leaders, and well-wishers, who came to offer their sympathies and support during this difficult period.
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