Church Or Business Centers

Pst Olumide Akinrinlola 

A Yoruba adage says:” Owo ni keke ehin rere” which means (money is the soul of evangelism). 

This saying is very true especially for any ministry to thrive in any part of the World. Money is needed in the work of evangelism very seriously just like fuel is needed to drive a car to move. 

There are so many ways souls could be won for Christ and there are many things involve to have abiding fruit for God. But God has a way of blessing his ministers and moving His work forward. 

Salvation of Jesus Christ is free. Please don’t pay for it. The ministry of the gospel is not a business center. Be careful and be suspicious where you observe that it’s all about money and money every time. 

It is only God that establishes ministries. It is only Him that can build His church and provide the basic needs of the ministry and that of the man of God. 

Bible says: “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Mathew 16:18).

The scriptures also made us to understand that, to render the services of the work of God to people, is free (Mathew 10:8) and no payment is required to get the help of God through his chosen servants.

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give” (Mathew 10:8)

Above scripture is not ambiguous. 

Run away for your dear life when you attend churches, program or patronise a supposed man of God where bills are being given to people to pay before the services of God are rendered. 

A lot is happening everywhere and there is no time to explain. I have seen churches where members and people visiting the church are paying N1000 to fill form before they can see the man of God either for counseling or prayer. And I am shock people patronise them in thousands every day just because they give vision and revelations to people about their life. 

You must run for your dear life because apart from the fact that these churches are business centers, those operating there are either agents of their father, the devil, or they have compromised the work of God by adding fetish things to support the call of God upon them to make money and that’s why they run their churches like business centers.

No genuine man of God operates outside the scriptures. Run from pastors and ministers of God that extort you. Run from pastors and ministers that demand for payment before they render the service of God to you. They are fake.

Don’t be led astray. Those patronising them are being deceived. Don’t be carried away because they give you vision and revelations. That’s not a conviction that they are men of God. Satan can give vision and revelations.

Raw power of God goes beyond vision and revelations. It goes beyond rituals and sacrifices . Majority of them that give you vision and revelations can’t demonstrate the supernatural power of God.

The act of making payment to get healing, deliverance, or to see men of God etc, are enough signs for you to run away for your dear life.

It is your responsibility to bless a man of God and support the work of God by blessing the church as well but we are not supposed to pay a bill before getting healing or before receiving spiritual help from any genuine man of God.

Though we are all under obligation to bless Men of God and support God’s work but it is not by paying any service charge.

To cheerfully give is not by compulsion or extortion. Your pastor have lot of responsibility to teach you how to give cheerfully and open your understanding on why you should bless God’s work and his servants. But not definitely the other way where people are being extorted or technically being forced to do so. 

Many destinies are under attack while many have been afflicted already because people patronise business centers instead of Churches.

When you see where miracle handkerchiefs, oil, water, soap, coconut etc. are being sold in the name of deliverance, please run for your life. It is business centers and not churches.

when you attend churches where it’s all about visions and revelations at every service without sound teaching of the word of God, beware of them.

It is indeed a business center and not a church when it is all about donations (fund raising) at every service of the week especially when there are no ongoing projects.

Be free today. Break their yoke off your neck. Don’t allow them trade your soul to Satan as many of them involving in this act are already with the devil and no more with God any longer. 

You remain under bondage if you fail to run for your dear life.

Please repent now and confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness before any other thing. 

I just told you! 

Says: Lord Jesus, forgive my sin and have mercy on me (confess your sin). I hereby Confess You today as my Lord and Saviour. Come into my life and remain there forever. 

Akinrinlola Olumide is an end time preacher, and Convener of Jesus Christ Is Coming Soon Gospel Ministry.


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