In a session at the Badagry Chief Magistrates’ Court in Lagos State on Tuesday, a 45-year-old cleric named Sunday Adewoye was brought before the court on charges of allegedly raping a 22-year-old woman. Adewoye, whose address remains undisclosed, faces accusations of unlawful sexual penetration and rape.
Chief Magistrate Patrick Adekomaiya refrained from accepting Adewoye’s plea and sought guidance from the state director of public prosecutions. Consequently, the magistrate ordered the defendant to be held in custody awaiting further directives.
The case has been adjourned until June 3 for further proceedings.
Earlier, the prosecutor, Inspector Ayodele Adeosun, told the court that Adewoye committed the offences on April 17 at 5.00 p.m. on Joseph Dosu Way, Badagry.
Adeosun said that Adewoye had sexual intercourse with the 22-year-old lady without her consent, in contravention of Sections 260 and 263 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.
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